Addiction and Recovery
Approximately 21.5 million people aged 12 or older in 2014 had a substance use disorder (SUD) in the past year. Over the years we have seen alcohol and drug trends impact individuals, families, communities, states, and as far reaching as nationwide. The opioid epidemic, the rise in stimulant use, legalization of marijuana in some states, and vaping are a few of the major trends we have seen impact the world of addiction and recovery. Addiction is nothing new, and yet we do not always have clear understandings of:
-What is addiction?
-What does it mean to be in recovery?
-How do people change?
-How do addiction and recovery impact the family members and loved ones?
-What does the future hold for a world that has both addiction and recovery in it?
Addiction & Recovery provides a unique perspective of both sides from a counselor who has worked with people whose lives have been impacted by the use of alcohol drugs.